I am back from girls camp.
Oh, my heck.
That's Utah-speak for "I survived"
For the most part.
Things began to unravel quickly. My assistant camp director called me when I was getting my hitch put on.
Her brother-in-law died. She wouldn't be able to go.
While I was sad for her, I have to admit I felt selfish. 17 girls and me. In the woods. Alone. No electricity.
Luckily, we had a great camp cook - so, at least, we wouldn't starve to death.
So, I pulled my big girls panties up and marched on.
My trailer was the first casualty. It was going to have to stay home. There was no way I was going on a maiden voyage with no backup and 17 girls staring at me to entertain them.
Honestly, girls camp was fabulous. The girls were awesome. Teenagers get a bad rap, sometimes. But these girls were adventurous, kind, spiritual, inclusive, deep thinking. Again. Awesome. We had so much fun. We hiked and whitewater rafted, canoes and paddleboated, did mani/pedis, had an outdoor movie (Yes - we had no electricity - we ran a car for an hour and a half) on a giant outdoor screen made of sheets.
I had to sleep in a tent, which is no bueno. My hubby *gasp* slept with me. The scandal! And during one night, our daughter had to sleep there too, because she had a stomach ache. And the stomach ache felt so much better wedged between two overtired adults. A two man tent with three people and our stuff. Also, remember that the hubsters is 6'6. The whole night was a freak out moment of barely suppressed claustrophobia.
Here I publicly state...I am not sleeping in a tent again. So help me, God.
High above Flaming Gorge |
Rafting the Green See the man on the right? That is my brother that I I am standing behind him with my life vest still on. I don't know why... |
Here I publicly state...I am not sleeping in a tent again. So help me, God.
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